Leverage Global Partners
Web Platform
Creating a world-class online destination for consumers and real estate pros.

A Content Destination
In the early stages of the site’s design, we focused our attention on consumers. Leverage was already good at creating content with the help of their partners, so we built a giant content repository that allows consumers to immerse themselves in the world of luxury real estate, both inside and beyond property lines.
Unique and fun Exploration
The Explore page is a customizable search engine that creates a content mix for users based on specific interests, using randomly populated, clickable keywords. The typography and layout has a modern look with a touch of class, inspiring users to make repeat visits to learn more about their favorite locations and browse properties showcased by partners.

A Two-Sided Site
As the site’s design evolved, it became clear to us that to properly communicate Leverage’s vision, we needed to architect the site for a second audience: the partners themselves.
One site quickly became two, with The Network side having its own unique interface and experience. Here, agents and brokerages can gain access to a partner portal that helps them find other high-end professionals, build content and share knowledge.
What We Achieved
Discovering the need to design essentially two new sites in the middle of the process would ordinarily be a scary proposition, but the Leverage team recognized how deeply we came to understand both of their distinct audiences. In fact, they were so on board with our vision for the site that we launched it live on stage at the company’s annual retreat.